The Setting
Mobile Rage is set in the future. There's been a huge nuclear war (World War III) that completely ruined everything...almost. Some people survived the war though, and lot's of them live in clans. That gives them a bigger chance to protect their territory, property and resources against other clans, and outlaws. Wars between the clans are quite common, but sometimes it's better to solve conflicts in a peaceful way. A peaceful way nowadays means a duel, and we're not talking about no gunfights here. No no, we're talking about racing! Racing with heavily armed cars. Almost all clans have their own champion, a highly respected roadwarrior who has won lot's of duels through the years. Money has no value these days. Why would you want a piece of metal or paper? You can't eat it. You can't run a car on it. It's useless. If you need a new machinegun you trade it against...well, maybe a carburettor and some barrels of gas.